Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hopeless and Useless

What the point of being in a relationship if you can't commit? Being in a relationship isn't just about texting to ask what are you doing now or have you eaten. It's certainly more than that. I don't know whether you are really that passive or you are just plain stupid? I had given you too many chances to show me that you care, then again, you let me down. If this is your first experience being in a relationship, I won't mind, I'll be glad to guide you to be a better man. But you been in a relationship before. I don't understand why are you still so clueless. Would it hurt for you to call me and ask me how was my day? I'm a girl, okay. I may look tough on the outside, but still there are some parts of me that wanted to feel your love. Try to be a man, would you? It's bad enough that we are thousand miles apart. A simple phone call is all I asked for. Why am I feel like I'm the only one who trying to make this relationship working out? I would like to see some effort from you too, dumb ass. From what I see, this relationship is not going anyway. I had wasted my time on you. Clearly, you are hopeless and useless. I hope you realize it soon. Soon enough before this become history.

I'm so pissed off right now that I swear, the longer I type, the more my keyboard will suffer. Sorry keyboard, just bear with me, I need a place to let this out of my chest. It's been bugging me for quite some time and the fact that I'm PMS-ing right now didn't help it. The sudden mood swing had led to this outburst. Then again, this is my blog, I can say whatever I want. You guys may not understand it and I'm not bother to explain, so just bear it. Now I do feel a lot better.

PS: I wanted to say more but for everyone's sake, I think this outburst is enough.

PPS: Here something to cheer me up..

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